Sunday, July 8, 2012

New blog post

Joy posted on her blog:

I Like Your View... (Happy 4th, and a little personal note)

Happy Fourth of July, kids!  I hope you're enjoying freedom this year (who knows how much longer it will last-- sorry-- Debbie Downer?)  Anyway, take care of your skin, you only get one body!  FYI, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a natural sunscreen.  I use it on my daughter all the time, works great!
protect your skin

Meanwhile, if you're looking for some good reading and aren't in the mood for 50 Shades of Shock Value, you might enjoy the Game of Thrones series, which I just started.  For something lighter, try autobiography "Three Weeks With My Brother" or 
sci-fi meets Jane Austen in "The Eyre Affair".

Of course, you could always cuddle up with your laptop or iPad and catch up on all 15 Chapters of my online rotating 1920s novella "DIAMOND GOTHIC".  It's delicious!

Are you barbecue-ing?  Try peanut butter on your chicken.  I know, random, but give it a try.

Please say a prayer for any military men and women in your life who continue to fight on our behalf.

On a side note, take a minute to really drink in your friends and family around you.  Watch the fireworks with awe and wonder and just be right here, right now.  My friend Paul recently told me I need to get better at being "in the moment".  I'm great at being in the moment while I'm working (acting, singing, directing, writing, etc)-- but not so great at it in my real life.  I had a dream a few weeks ago with a "hot air balloon" theme, and one of the features of my dream was me writing on a hot air balloon greeting card "I like your view".  I woke up and thought-- ok, why a hot air balloon?  Why not an airplane or helicopter or something?  What is the purpose of a hot air balloon that is different from any other flying apparatus?

The entire purpose of a hot air balloon is to take you on a ride-- to give you a view.  It's not transporting you from point A to B, it's not getting in and out of hard-to-access spots, it's not dropping you out of the sky for a thrill... it's just taking you for a leisurely afternoon ride and giving you the opportunity to see the world in a way you'd never see it before.  There's an element of uncertainty and danger about it-- after all, you're not in a compressed cabin, sealed off.  Your'e in a big open basket with a fire-bloated cloak attached and some guy pushing buttons who you hope to God knows what he's doing!  It's not exactly the most SAFE feeling in the world, but what an adventure! 

I've never been in a hot air balloon, but I'd love to go.  In the meantime, I'll take my dream as a sign that my friend was right... Being in the moment includes ENJOYING the view, FEELING the nerves of being unsure and, instead of waiting to see where you're going, focusing on where you are.  It seems elementary, but I know a lot of people (mostly women) who have trouble with this.  So, today (after I get off my computer, lol!) I'm going to soak in the moment with my family.  There's a pool out back that my daughter loves to flirt with and the dogs love to leap into.  There is a gorgeous garden to roam here at my parent's house.  My 90 year old grandmother is sitting in the living room and just waiting for someone to ask her a question about her life, and tonight the sky will be lit in the once-a-year spectacle that we too often take for granted.  I love fireworks.  I feel like a 7 year old girl again in the hot summer, chasing fireflies, eating zeppolis, and laying on a blanket under the exploding sky.

It was pure magic and I was completely right there.

xo Joy

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