Monday, May 17, 2010

''Hey Guys! Changed my FB photo and more...''

Posted on BJG official:

Hey Guys! Changed my FB photo and more...

Thanks for joining Amber and me during our first Ustream chat! HERE'S the link in case you missed it! Also, I just updated my picture on my fan Facebook page. If you are already my friend on Facebook, please don't forget to sign up as a FAN on the fansite because I won't be updating the personal page anymore. I had to move everything to a fan page b/c FB only allows a certain amount of friends per person (lame).

Anyway, it's Thursday and the days keep coming. I've been so busy lately. The restaurant was packed for Mother's Day and we're constantly doing better, learning and growing so much.
Just saw Iron Man II. It was, as my friend Ben said, "Seven pints of awesome in a one pint glass!" Looking forward to Robin Hood and Sex & the City... we spend so much time in movies, it's ridiculous.
So, I was thinking about choosing a reader question every few weeks and having a guest "advisor" weigh in. So post questions here-- about kids or relationships, fashion or food or any of those things. I'll pick a question in a few days :)
xo Joy

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